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Haywood Patterson's Letter to Boyle's Daughter

Reproduced with permissions from the Special Collections of the Rare Book Room at the Morris Library, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.



Haywood Patterson
Jefferson County Jail
Birmingham Ala
october 20. 1937

My Dear Bobby. I have just Received your Awfully nice letter Enclosed with Mother Vail, and am pleased to say that I have found it most interesting. My dear one So thanks awfully. Now my Dear Bobby. I have been wondering why you Haven't wrote me before This. you see I Have been most worried about you, and wondering How were you getting on. but now that I am glad to Know you is quite alright And Having a swell time. And am also glad to Have you write again.

I sure am sorry to Hear that it is frequently a raining over there

for Maybe the rain is depriving you of Some Happiness, but I Hope you are now enjoying pleasant weather. You Have two cute frogs and one is Expecting to Have babies. My How I would like to see those frogs. What sort of things is they? I am happy to Know that you all Have more kittens. And I can imagine How Beautiful they are, especially If they are very playful. Bobby dear, I Can Not Help but to love you awfully Because you seems Most Kind and considerate to the poor Helpless dogs and Kind to all things. you are Heavenly sweet to Have found a Home for the poor lost dog. its good of you and I too Hope that the poor fellow will be nicely treated
where ever he are. I feel very Sad for the poor Homeless dog. Honestly I do and am glad you all Had sympathy for Him and founded him a Home mighty nice of you. god will bless you for your Kindness to everything. Yes I have seen Dianne, the big Black dog you all Have. I saw Her on the picture with Friend Nina. and what a fine dog you all Have. Now I Have Had two letters from Sister Magnalia. one letter and a postcard that I received today the postcard I mean. I Have answered the letter and will answer the card to night. Also I Had a letter from her little little friend Deborah Garman. and I also answered hers. now since my last Writing you I Have been confined in an infirmary suffering
with one of my leg. I Have written Mother Vail about it also Sister Magnalia. You see my leg was an old Injure which was the cause of my illness. that was the doctors attitude about it. I spent a month and two weeks in the infirmary at Kilby Prison, Montgomery Alabama, although I wasn't allowed to do any Communication with anyone there. I could write my relations and that is the reason why I didn't write you while there. Montgomery Ala is about a 100 miles from Here and then after I gottin almost well I was transfered to Atmore Alabama which is a state prison farm. I spent two weeks there working Before I was brought Here. the desolate stretch of land & woods
where Atmore Alabama is situated is a very lonely place. I didn't like there at all. why they does all sort of work there. They Have Rice farms. Cotton farms and every sort of farm that you can mention. I also explained in Mother Vail letter about four of the Scottsboro boys Being freed. And we other five are looking forward for our liberty. I guess I will get a Hearing of I mean a decision in my case within short so let us Hope that I will be set at liberty so that I can come and Have a good Visit with you all. well I guess I will close for now and I am Honestly Hoping that you will decide to Write me more often than what you does. Kindest love from your good Friend Haywood.

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