C. D. Wright (1947-
) | C.D. Wright--An Autobiographical Preface | Wright Comments on Randall Jarrells "Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" | On Her Own Work | Wright on "The New American Ode" | Wright on Frank Stanfords Long Poetry | Wright--from The Lost Roads Project | Wright--"Of the Mulberry Family: an Arkansas Epilogue" | Wright--"69 hidebound opinions" | Wright--"The Wages of Poetry" | Selected Commentary on Wrights Work | An Essay on Wright by Stephen Burt | Interview with Kent Johnson for Jacket | 4 Uncollected Poems by C.D. Wright | C.D. Wright Book Jackets | Online Poems | External Links | Compiled and Prepared by Edward Brunner, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and Cary Nelson Return to Modern American Poetry Home Return to Poets Index