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About  the Villa Sciarra and the Fountains at St. Peters


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The villa, whose entrance is from Via Calandrelli, was built on the site of the Caesar Gardens. After passing in the hands of many owners, it was bought by an American diplomat, George Wurth, at the beginning of the century. He embellished it and tranformed it into its current state: it is a jewel both from a botanical and artistic standpoint. In Roman times the site of this attractive, small public park was a nymph's sanctuary. It is especially picturesque in spring, when its cherry trees and wisterias are in full bloom. The paths through the park are decorated with Romantic follies, fountains and statues, and there are splendid views of the city over the Janiculum bastions.


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Entrance to the Villa Sciarra (Rome)


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Villa Sciarra


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St. Peter's Square, The Vatican


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Samuel Prout--"Colonnade of St. Peters" (1831)


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One of the pair of fountains in St. Peter's Square (Rome)


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St. Peter's Fountain

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