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Examples of Winters's Early Imagist Poetry

from The Magpie’s Shadow (1922)

from Part I. "In Winter"

No Being
I, bent. Thin nights receding


from Part II. "In Spring"

I walk out the world’s door.

Why should I stop for spring?


from Part III. "In Summer and Autumn"

The Aspen’s Song
The Summer holds me here.

I saw day’s shadow strike.

From The Immobile Wind (1921)

The Wizard

I am the wizard of the golden hills.
Do not believe in me, nor in the mills

Turning in fallen leaves and in my hair;
Lest I cry, "End this thing!" And all my rare

Life – all the falling hill-fields, thou too, thou
Who long to walk on paling fields – say how

It came to be, and turn in my own sight,
Gather and vanish, fleeing Israelite.

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