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Creative Writing
Don Adams, Spring 2001

Nelson (Ed), Anthology of Modern American Poetry
Cassill (Ed.), The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction

Dates Required Reading Writing Due Workshop
1/9 Poetry: Major Metaphors
"The Fish," 124
"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," 127
"The Yachts," 192
"Evening Hawk," 376
"The Mango Tree," 407
"Dead Boy," 313
"Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio," 891
"The Room of My Life," 924
"At Tikal," 782
none none
1/16 Fiction: 1st Person Narrative
Carver, 186
Welty, 1578
1st poem due
10-100 lines
1/23 Poetry: Confessional
"Asphodel. . .," 194
"Questions of Travel," 637
"The Boy Died in My Alley," 777
"Stings," 980
"An Urban Convalescence," 835
"Howl," 848
"Daffy Duck in Hollywood," 901
"Henry’s Confession," 727
"Without Words," 1128
1st story due
4-8 pgs.


Fiction: 3rd Person Narratives
Munro, 1220
Chekhov, 237
2nd poem due
10-100 lines
2/6 Poetry: Descriptive
"The Mouth of the Hudson," 761
"Sea Rose," 234
"Photograph of the Girl," 1079
"Homage to Paul Cézanne," 1018
"Willowware Cup," 840
"Filling Station," 636
"Street Lamps in Early Spring," 529
2nd story due
4-8 pgs.
2/13 Fiction: Confessional
Tan, 1471
Hempel, 763
3rd poem due
10-100 lines
2/20 Poetry: Narrative
"Travels in North America," 709
"Ku Klux," 520
"Medusa," 379
"I sing of Olaf glad and big," 349
"Home Burial," 85
"Mr. Flood’s Party," 28
"On the Meeting of Garcia Lorca and Hart Crane," 932
"The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter," 205
"A Step Away from Them," 828
"The Man-Moth," 633
3rd story due
4-8 pgs.
2/27 Fiction: Experimental
Borges, 128
Barthelme, 58
4th poem due
10-100 lines
3/6 Poetry: Love/Relationship Poems
"Quiet Evening," 1084
"This Woman," 733
"One Art," 647
"I Knew a Woman," 589
"Toward a Definition of Marriage," 797
"’To Speak of Woe That is in Marriage’," 755
"Bearded Oaks," 575
"The Love Poems of Marichiko," 562
"Episode of Hands," 387
"A Glimpse," 3
4th story due
4-8 pgs.
3/20 Fiction: Mythic / Magical Realism
Márquez, 661
Hawthorne, 745
5th poem due
10-100 lines
3/27 Poetry: Political Poems
"Prisoners," 1143
"Rusia en 1931," 1075
"I Have Come to Claim Marilyn Monroe’s Body," 1068
"SOS," 997
"Bomb," 963
"What Were they Like?" 813
"Up Rising," 790
"Second Air Force," 715
"Let America Be America Again," 515
5th story due poem
4/3 Fiction: Micro
Munro, 1236
Kincaid, 925
Leavitt, 992
Hemingway, 757
6th poem due stories
4/10 TBA 6th story due poems
4/17 TBA none stories
4/24 Folders Due
5/1 Folders Returned

1. Students must hand in all poems and stories on time unless receiving specific consent of the instructor beforehand. All poems and stories must be typed and double-spaced.

2. Students must bring enough copies for all members of the workshop, the instructor, and him/herself.

3. Students must complete a written critique of each poem or story to be workshopped and provide a copy of the written critique to both the author and the instructor at the class period in which the work is to be discussed.

4. Students must also produce a 200-word (about 1 double-spaced page) written response to one of the poems or stories assigned from the anthologies, to be handed to the instructor together with the copies of the written critiques at the beginning of each class period.

5. Students must hand in a folder with revisions of all creative work and representative samples of critiques and responses at the penultimate class meeting.

6. Students must complete all assignments before a grade for the course will be awarded.

More than two absences may result in a lower final grade.

A grade of "B" is assured if all assignments are fulfilled, to the instructor's satisfaction, in a timely fashion and if the student misses no more than two class periods.

Critiques and responses will be given either a check, check-plus, or check-minus. The sum of these checks will contribute to the student's final grade.

Classroom participation and good manners are required in a workshop setting.

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